ARTICULATE THEATRE COMPANY came into being in January 2013, when I asked 40 trusted colleagues to a meeting to discuss. It is a repertory company with a membership of playwrights, actors, designers, directors and more. ATC’s goal is to help its membership move forward in their journey, while building and growing along its own path to provide amazing theatre to the audience’s of New York. The name was chosen due to its three definitions, which are closely aligned to the goals of the Company: Clarity, Structure, Connectivity.
1. To communicate clearly and effectively. ATC feels it is every artists mission to communicate their story in the best possible way for the audience to receive it. And as theatre artists, that means understanding the goal of the playwright, and using all of our skills to bring that goal to the audience in a clear and effective manner.
2. To give visible or concrete expression to the composition of structural elements. ATC appreciates the value of production elements in conveying a message to an audience, and seeks to intelligently and innovatively use design elements in every production.
3. To unite sections via joints. ATC feels that the power of the artist lies in their ability to connect elements together to form a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. We seek to connect the playwright to the actor to the designers to the word to the production to the audience – so that the audience can take it out into the world and connect with others.
ATC had its first production with the Planet Connections Theatre Festivity, where it debuted DRAGON, by Jenny Connell Davis. It was a very successful production, which garnered 9 nominations, 2 wins and the honor of the Greener Planet Award, to celebrate our eco-friendly design. You can learn more about ATC at their website.